Tax, fiscal and customs law

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The firm is highly specialised in tax, fiscal and customs law related to matters regarding maritime transport and inland navigation, maritime and inland port, yachting, offshore platforms and railway transport.

The lawyers and accountants have extensive knowledge of the legislative and administrative guidelines in the sector (laws, regulations, circulars and motions) and they continuously follow their constant evolution, also regarding the preparatory phase of the measures.

In particular, advice and assistance, also judiciary, is provided:

  • in the maritime transport area:

– for the purpose of recognition of the tax exemption benefit provided by article 8a of D.P.R no. 633/1972. This provision, in force with the directive 112/2006/CE (VAT directive), states the exemption of some disposals of goods and service provision in favour of ships, provided that they are used mainly for sailing offshore and used for the transport of paying customers and/or used for commercial activity. The interpretation and consequent application of this regulation have been proved to be anything but clear cut, so much so that they have caused many contentions, also before the EU Court of Justice.

Therefore, the firm provides shipping companies with all details regarding the correct conduct to follow in order to make use of the benefit and also supports them regarding the correct preparation of suitable documents to supply proof that they have the requisites to qualify for this benefit. This is an aspect of crucial importance, given the strict sanctions the shipowner can be faced with following checks by the competent authorities on the actual correctness of the operation.

The advice and legal assistance to obtain the above-mentioned benefit are also provided regarding service provision, including the use of dry docks, linked to the construction, maintenance, repair, modification, transformation, assembly, preparation, rental and hire of ships, of engines and their components, of spare parts and equipment on board, as well as regarding service provision related to the demolition of the afore-mentioned ships.

– for the purpose of recognition of subsidised use – with exemption of excise duty – of the energy products and lubricating oils, regarding vessels that sail in EU offshore waters, as well as regarding the dredging of ports and waterways.

  • in the area of inland waterway transport:

– for the purpose of recognition of subsidised use – with exemption of excise duty – of the energy products and lubricating oils, regarding vessels that sail in EU offshore waters, as well as regarding the dredging of ports and waterways.

  • in the area of yachting:

– for the purpose of recognition of the VAT exemption benefit provided for by article 8a of the D.P.R no. 633/1972. The benefit in question can, indeed, also be recognised for recreational crafts, provided that they are recreational crafts used exclusively for commercial purposes and, notably, for charter activity, and that these vessels are used mainly offshore.

– for the purpose of recognition of subsidised use – without excise duty – of energy products and lubricating oils, regarding pleasure crafts used exclusively for charter activity and which sail in EU offshore waters.

  • in the area of commercial ports and marinas, both maritime and inland:

– regarding the matters of fees to be paid for the occupation and use of state property areas (establishment and reestablishment of fees; reduction of fees in particular cases);

– regarding the procedure for establishing the cadastral income of the residential units in concession and consequently, the IMU (local municipal) tax.

  • in the area of offshore platforms:

– regarding the establishment and matters of property tax on marine platforms (IMPi) situated within territorial waters.

The tax in question was set up by the decree – law 26 October 2019, no. 124 (fiscal decree), replacing all other ordinary local property taxes on the same items.

  • in the area of railway transport:

– for the purpose of recognition of the benefit of the subsidised rate for use of energy products in railway passenger and goods transport.

The firm’s clientele is made up of shipping companies, concessionary companies of state-owned areas, railway companies, shipbuilders, individual businessmen and banks.


“Professionalism and a great deal of expertise in a personalised relationship based on trust and striving to get a result together.”

Sograf srl
Railway company


“The Associazione Italiana Armatori Trasporto Passeggeri [Italian Association of Owners of Passenger Transport Vessels] bears witness to the professionalism and competence of Studio Grimaldi.

It is purely due to the high level of competence, authority and strategic vision of Massimiliano Grimaldi that the Association has managed to be hugely successful and gain recognition in the maritime field over the last few years.”


Associazione Italiana Armatori Trasporto Passeggeri


“We would like to point out the significant satisfaction of Ucina Confindustria Nautica with the advice and legal assistance received from the lawyer Massimiliano Grimaldi in the Yachting sector.

The lawyer Massimiliano Grimaldi assisted Ucina in negotiating very important legal and economic matters for the industry, first and foremost the reform of the yachting code, not only supplying top-level legal preparation, but also supporting Ucina in selecting the best strategies.”


Ucina Confindustria Nautica



“We are very happy to have avv. Massimiliano Grimaldi as our legal expert in Italy.

It was a great help to be able to rely on his great expertise and experience.

We are happy to have a reliable and proactive legal partner like him on our side”


Unlim AG
Logistics operator, Basel, Switzerland



“We asked avv. Massimiliano Grimaldi for legal assistance following the occurrence of some problems concerning the state property concession we hold in the port of Marina di Carrara.

We are fully satisfied with his precious and decisive intervention.

He was able to identify the focus of the problem with promptness and preparation, following the case with care and dedication, managing to positively combine public needs and our operational needs, typical of a shipyard”


O.r.n.i.c. S.r.l.
Shipyard, Marina di Carrara



“We found in Massimiliano Grimaldi a very competent and precise lawyer, a very valid resource that every undertaking should have ”


Elena Tour Navigazioni srl
Boat excursions and deluxe boat rental La Maddalena


“Thanks to the great competence and forward thinking of the lawyer Massimiliano Grimaldi, we were able to continue conducting our business, overcoming a particularly difficult time.”


Yacht Broker srl
Manager of tourist ports


“With the forward thinking and professionalism of lawyer Massimiliano Grimaldi, we found in Studio Grimaldi great assistance and support in negotiations and selection of sustainable solutions regarding the complex issue of state property concessions of the companies of Saint Mark Square in Venice, coming to the elaboration and promotion of rules for amendment of the national legislation to protect the companies and obtain results. Thank you.”


Veneziana Retail srl and Committee of Ancient Crafts of Venice


“We would like to point out the Genoese company Grimaldi Studio Legale in relation to the expert advice and legal assistance provided to Actv Spa regarding navigation safety and professional certification of on-board personnel.

In particular, lawyer Massimiliano Grimaldi assisted our company in the introduction, in the legislation of a special law that will allow a simplified framework regarding navigation in local public transport service in the protected waters of the lagoon of Venice to be received by the institution.

The above-mentioned collaboration fully satisfied our expectations, at the same time allowing us to appreciate the professionalism, competence and helpfulness of the lawyer Massimiliano Grimaldi.”


ACTV Venezia Spa



“Avv. Massimiliano Grimaldi is a highly trained lawyer and immediately gave us confidence.

We appreciated his clarity and competence given by his evident knowledge of the subject of state property concessions and thanks to his work we were able to preserve our historic store in Piazza San Marco”


Ravagnan Art Gallery
Venice, Piazza San Marco 

“Grimaldi Studio Legale Genova showed a well-planned strategy and a transparent approach that made our experience positive.

We highly recommend their services to anyone who seeks seriousness, professionalism and competence.


GammaStone srl

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